The world's most valuable brands in 2019

Branding is arguably more important for business today than at any time in history. The digital world has enabled fierce competition, which is great for consumers, but means that businesses have to create strong brand identities to stand out from the crowd. It is no coincidence that the most valuable brands in the US in 2019 are tech related, as they have a broad appeal across all demographics.


Apple is number one, but Google is not far behind, both have universal appeal.


Apple’s carefully crafted brand image keeps it as the most valuable brand in the US in 2019, a remarkable achievement considering the premium prices asked for its products. A combination of reputation for quality and superb design keeps consumers coming back for more, maintaining a broad customer base across most demographics.


Google is the number one search engine, but it is the other services, such as Gmail, its Android operating system for smartphones, online office software and so on that add the value. These free services provide valuable tools for individuals and businesses alike.


After the top two, there is a big gap to the rest, which are:

  3,  Microsoft

  4,  Amazon

  5,  Facebook

  6,  Coca-Cola

  7,  Samsubg

  8,  Walt Disney

  9,  Toyoya

10,  McDonald’s


Tech companies dominate, with McDonald’s the only food company in the top 10. This is carried on in the fastest growing brands too, with Netflix and PayPal number 1 and two respectively. We live in a tech dominated world, so it is unsurprising those are the brands we value the most.


The other interesting thing about the list is that it includes brand that are both unapologetically high-end, such as Apple, and those who are focused on value, such as Amazon and McDonald’s, and businesses who offers ostensibly free products to everyone, like Google and Facebook. This means that the top brands in the US in 2019 cover almost every customer demographic possible, a diverse list in every sense.


This year, Forbes also compiled a list of the world's 100 most valuable brands. The list includes companies with significant American presence .

The list of the 10 most valuable brands in the world in 2019 is as follows (billion USD):